

All I can think of are things that start with the letter 'P'

Prince Charming
and Pasta



With you
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place

You and I, both know it can't work
It's all fun and games
'Til someone gets hurt
And I don't,
I won't let that be you

Now you don't wanna let go
And I don't wanna let you know
That there might be something real between us two
Who knew?
Now we don't wanna fall but
We're tripping in our hearts
And it's reckless and clumsy
Cause I know you can't love me here

I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
But everything we have is stuck in the moment
And there's nothing my heart can do
To fight with time and space cause
I'm still stuck in the moment with you

See we both
Fightin' every inch of our fiber
Cause ain't no way
It's gonna end right but
We are both too foolish to stop

See like
Just because this cruel, cruel world saying we can't be
Baby we both have the right to disagree
And I ain't with it
And I don't wanna be so old and gray
Reminiscing 'bout these better days
But convinced just telling us to let go
So we'll never know

I'm still stuck in the moment with you

Do I sound like a little obssessed 12 year old girl OR WHAT.


Life is Made up Of Phases and Phrases

My past way of thinking use to appeal to life seen as a tragedy. 'Because a tragedy is far more intriguing than a happy ending,' I would mentally say. But what if we rid of the thirst of drama, a call for such attention. What if we saw life as a poem, full of feeling, weaving in and out in a rhythmic glide. All sentences have potential to be turned into a magical phrase, one that lives higher among the clouds. We are who we are and if we act by our own terms, we will attract the attention that was meant to be attracted naturally. We will become glorified without caring.

There was always something in confusion that I liked than in sureness. Confusion, a majority of the time, weighs possibilities with a mind that is wide enough. Confusion provokes curiosity, sureness is unmovable, only seeing things from that stance-it still can be moved with enough energy though. Sureness is a statement, hesitation is some kind of beauty.

Maybe this makes sense, maybe it doesn't. Maybe for only a moment, a glimpse. Perhaps it made your mind create it's own concept on a relative term. Maybe that was the point.


We're bACKKK.

I've been thinking about abandonment lately. What it's like to leave things you know. What IF you pretended to be a blob of matter and when you interact with someone, their goodness is shown in a higher power. You forget all about your Self and absorb another's greatness. You have a child-like curiosity to someone else's way of living. To refresh your outlook. Leave the ego of judgement and just be.

Or about overindulgence. I just made the realization of overindulging in human beings. For someone to take up so much of your time and thoughts. What IF you could restrict yourself. Make things feel sweeter in miniscule portions. Be selective rather than welcoming the whole. To feel light about these things. If you were to allow them to effect you in a shift instead of a rumble. To build your Self by gradual slanted lines than trying with forced over-rotation. A perfect circle is indeed made of slight lines. I think this passage just made me fall in love with circles.

Or to love. What IF you were there for people more than they were there for you. If you showed such kindness and thoughtfulness. It is tiresome, yes I know, but this is where we arrive back at being selective.

So these are goals within a goal that I made. To be strong enough to fall weak and act ever so lightly. To be receptive, to hold my arms out for as long as I can.