

What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on?

I've been knee deep in watercolors and memories this weekend. I remind myself of this night because it's the thing that sticks out where my mom did something out of the ordinary for my sister and I when I was maybe in 1st grade or somewhere close to that age. It was the simplest gesture and I never knew why she did it because I didn't have a bad day or anything I can recall like that. I was already asleep and she came to wake me up and we sat at the high counter. And I remember my favorite plastic angled light green bowl. Canned peaches is a comfort food now, it was eaten a good amount of times in Italy to be honest.


  1. Mmmmm, canned peaches! I tend to eat a lot of canned pears, but peaches are a close second!

    Honestly though, I really enjoyed reading this. When getting to know someone, it's much easier telling someone your fears than what comforts you. Well, I think it is anyway. I'm backwards everything.

  2. I feel nostalgic for YOUR childhood.
