As a person, I strive to seek and uncover degrees of connection as well as enlightenment. As a visual artist, I pursue the adventure into the Self to illustrate my individual experience of emotion and relation. As a showcase director, I reach outside of myself to bring together quality local artists to encourage their pursuit of their chosen craft. As someone's beloved, I bring about constant awareness, adjustment, and care of not only another person but myself as well. Overall, I gravitate towards moving forward with progression and compassion.
"I'm having trouble getting my work out there. I have a hard time finding the self-confidence. If it was up to me, I'd just make my work in isolation and not worry about the marketing or promotion, but I know I can't do that. The problem is-- my work is really quiet. It's very subtle and subdued. It takes time to appreciate. And there's so much image saturation in today's world, it seems that only the most aggressive imagery is getting noticed. I'm finding that it takes a lot of boldness to take a firm stance in making quiet work."
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