I live for mornings full of a diverse range of thoughts. I like waking up early just to wake up slowly; to put my hands behind my head as if I were gazing up at the stars but really up to a white clear-headed ceiling--a canvas just waiting to be painted with concepts. I almost go through a static routine: I stew the thought of being home in the future, what kind of things I want to do with my life when I return and backtrack in time to the schedule of summertime and alas this brings me back to the now and the things I'm doing/accomplishing/exploring/discovering here in Italy. Always ending in this sort of current reality it's the oomph that gets me out of my bed to open the window, letting natural light come in and to seek what kind of sky the city has brought me this morning.
Some snibbits of my brain activity this morning:
For not ever having a job, I'm sure a work-oholic.
I'm good at consuming crappy crap food just to be conservative on expenses.
How to be selective on different aspects of life.
I need to start constructing an ordered list of movies to watch, books to read, and recipes to make.
My love for the people who I'm close to and how it only grows. How can I truly love so many people, how lucky I am.
Over the past six months, I have compiled dreams, actually DREAMS.
A person has to spend over an abundance of time with oneself to discover their inner self, they have to be able to make that effort.
It keeps me sane to not think, but I only thrive to think...so in retrospect, I stay sane by going insane.
Can art be emotion-less? At first I thought perhaps, but then personally I can't see any artform without emotion, I see movement in everything; an aliveness, with that, every piece, every object has emotion, life, essence.
Also, people crave attention, it's what we do.
--While writing this post I had an interruption AKA an hour long needed skype conversation, thus my prior thoughts have left me. I knew I should've written things down. I'll write as I remember.
I'd like to write one last thing that I read from A New Earth today.
'..she was a burden to herself. She was ready to awaken, and this is why she had come.'